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Congressman John James Introduces Legislation Holding Iran’s Financial Backers Accountable, Restoring Congressional Oversight

Contact: Abby Mitch

Rep. John James introduced the “Address Iran’s Malign Posture Act” on Friday. The bill seeks to tighten sanctions on Iran’s financial backers and requires congressional oversight for any nuclear deal between the United States and Iran.

“Despite opposition from both parties and no support from our Israeli and Arab allies and partners, Joe Biden insists on negotiating a flawed nuclear deal with Iran. Moving forward, Congress must be in the driver’s seat for any negotiations with Iran on a nuclear agreement,” James said. “That’s why I introduced the ‘Address Iran’s Malign Posture Act.’ Not only does it require the Biden administration to work with us to address Iran’s nuclear efforts, but it also targets any financial support to Iran’s most dangerous organization—the IRGC. This is about standing with our allies and defending our own national security when others will not.”

Rep. James’ bill will strengthen our country’s posture toward Iran by: 

  •  Targeting individuals and entities that provide significant financial or material support to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), foreign terrorist organizations, or who have been previously sanctioned. 
  • Barring any foreign individual who backs the IRGC financially from accessing assets or entering the United States.
  • Sunsetting waiver authorities that allow Democrat administrations to waive sanctions on Iran in pursuit of a nuclear agreement. 
  • Treating any nuclear agreement with Iran as a treaty that requires advice and consent from the Senate.

As a veteran of the Iraq war and a member of House Foreign Affairs Committee, James will always put America’s national security first, stand with our Israeli allies, and oppose any policies that appease Iran.

You can read more about the bill here. The bill text is available here.
