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John James Introduces Bipartisan AFTER SCHOOL Act

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 4, 2024 | Noah Sadlier (202-225-4961)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative John James (MI-10) and Representative Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) announced the introduction of the bipartisan AFTER SCHOOL Act. The legislation would establish a grant program through the Department of Justice for local communities to create and strengthen after school programs, with the goal of reducing juvenile violent crime.

Rep. James issued the following statement regarding the legislation:

“We have a hopelessness crisis in this country. There are young students who feel trapped or without a sense of purpose,” said Rep. James. “My bipartisan AFTER SCHOOL Act will ensure that effective and worthwhile after school programs help extend student learning and growth even when the end-of-the-day school bell rings. This legislation will bring back a sense of purpose for many young students throughout Michigan, especially in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District, while also curtailing the drive for youth to become involved in juvenile and criminal activities during after school hours.”

Similarly, Rep. Caraveo issued the following statement:

“As a pediatrician, I understand how important it is for children to have ample opportunities to participate in strong after school programming that enables them to learn, play, and grow,” said Rep. Caraveo. “Colorado’s juvenile violent crime rate has remained stubbornly high since 2017, which sends a clear signal that we need to do more to support our students. I’m proud to co-lead the bipartisan AFTER SCHOOL Act with Rep. James, which will help more school districts access federal grants that will help establish, maintain, and strengthen Colorado’s after school programs.”

The bill has bipartisan support, with an identical bill being led in the Senate by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV).
