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John James, Colin Allred Introduce Resolution Recognizing Genocide in Sudan

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 27, 2024 | Noah Sadlier (202-225-4961)

Representatives John James (MI-10) and Colin Allred (TX-32) have introduced a bipartisan resolution acknowledging the violent actions committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and its allied militia in the Darfur Region of Sudan as acts of genocide. Since April 2023, the Sudanese Armed Force (SAF) and the RSF have engaged in a violent conflict that has led to the displacement of over 8 million people and targeted killings of innocent lives. Both armed groups have committed war crimes since the conflict began last year. The RSF, in particular, are targeting and killing non-Arab populations and various ethnic communities across Darfur. 

Rep. James released the following statement after introducing the resolution:

"While the world has been focused on the wars in Ukraine and Israel, the genocide in Sudan is not receiving the same attention at home or abroad. The RSF and SAF must stop this senseless violence and return to the table to negotiate a peace for the future of the Sudanese people. My resolution will bring attention to the genocide being committed by the RSF against non-Arab communities in Darfur. It will also call on the United States to take action to end the ongoing bloodshed of innocent women and children. As the Chairman of the Africa Subcommittee, I commit to advancing U.S. policy in Congress that allows the Sudanese people to chart a prosperous future for themselves and to stymie the interference of malign actors perpetuating the conflict.”

Rep. Allred also released the following statement on this matter:

"It is in the best interest of our nation to protect global stability and defend democratic values, and the Sudanese people deserve the democracy their people have demanded, not the selfish actions of warring generals," said Rep. Colin Allred. "Since April of last year, the Rapid Support Force, its militias, and the Sudanese Armed Forces have created one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in Sudan’s recent history. This resolution calls for an immediate end to the war and all violence and atrocities committed in Sudan. I was proud to help lead this bipartisan and bicameral resolution with Congressman James, Senator Risch, Senator Booker, Senator Scott and Senator Cardin."

This Resolution:

  • Condemns the atrocities committed by the RSF against non-Arab ethnic groups in Darfur, specifically recognizing the atrocities as acts of genocide, while also condemning all atrocities committed by both the SAF and RSF. 
  • Calls for an immediate end to the war and the violence in Sudan. 
  • Urges the United States to take action with the international community to protect civilians by enforcing the United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Darfur and brokering a comprehensive cease-fire.
  • Supports holding tribunals and international criminal investigations to hold the RSF accountable for war crimes. 

This resolution is similar to a resolution introduced in the Senate by Senators Jim Risch (R-ID), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tim Scott (R-SC), and Cory Booker (D-NJ). 

Please read the text of the Resolution here