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John James Votes in Favor of SAVE Act to Ensure Only American Citizens Vote

John James Votes in Favor of SAVE Act to Ensure Only American Citizens Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative John James (MI-10) voted in favor of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which passed the House with unanimous Republican support. The SAVE Act makes several reforms to prevent non-citizens from illegally voting in federal elections. This bill comes in the wake of more than 10 million known illegal border crossings under President Joe Biden’s watch. 

Rep. James issued the following statement after the passage of the SAVE Act:

“Today, I voted alongside all House Republicans to pass the SAVE Act through the House of Representatives. This bill makes several essential reforms to prevent undocumented immigrants from voting in our elections and ensures that only American citizens can vote in American elections. Simply, this bill makes it easy to vote, and hard to cheat. This should not be a partisan issue.

“Unfortunately, House Democrats overwhelmingly voted against this bill, and President Biden already signaled his intention to veto. They could have taken a clear stance in favor of protecting the voice of Americans. Instead, after allowing more than 10 million illegal border crossings to take place, Democrats and Joe Biden have shockingly sided with illegal aliens over American citizens once again.”
