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John James Reintroduces the Reforming Education for Veterans Act

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 27, 2025 | Nate Hampson (202-225-4961)
Tags: Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Representative John James (MI-10) reintroduced the Reforming Education for Veterans Act. The bill provides servicemembers, particularly the men and women in the National Guard who are enrolled in a higher education institution, the opportunity to finish their classes on time.

Rep. James originally introduced this legislation in 2024. As the representative of Michigan’s 10th Congressional District, the home of Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Rep. James is committed to making the lives of the men and women in the Michigan National Guard serving at Selfridge and throughout the State of Michigan easier. 

Rep. James issued the following statement regarding this legislation:

"I have been fighting for Selfridge Air National Guard Base from the beginning, pushing for fighter unit recapitalization and, just as importantly, supporting our warfighters. They serve us; we must serve them. As a veteran, I want to ensure that receiving orders does not obstruct educational pursuits. After meeting Guardsmen at Selfridge and across Michigan, I learned about the obstacles they can face in completing their education. Their toughest battles should not be bureaucratic barriers during or after service."

Reforming Education for Veterans Act

  • Allows for a covered service member who has received orders to enter into an agreement with an institution of higher education (IHE) to complete their courses if they have completed at least 50% of the course. 
  • Changes how IHEs that manage VA education benefits are required to conduct annual compliance surveys by:
    • Allowing IHEs with multiple campuses to only complete one survey if one school certifying official (SCO) certifies veteran enrollment for all campuses; and
    • Allowing IHEs with a time stamp database, not more than 15 business days of notice and those without a time stamp data base 10 business days of notice.  
  • Provides 14 business days after the VA updates the school certification official handbook to notify IHE officials who administer VA education programs of the update. 
