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John James Introduces Resolution Pushing Back Against Biden’s Comply-or-Die Electric Vehicle Mandates

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 1, 2024 | Noah Sadlier (202-225-4961)
Tags: Energy

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Representative John James (MI-10) introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to the U.S. House of Representatives to push back on the Biden EPA’s tailpipe emissions rule, which would require approximately two-thirds of all consumer vehicles to be zero emission by 2032. This rule is a clear example of EPA overreach as it picks winners and losers by setting emission standards at a level that only electric vehicles can meet – effectively pushing gas powered vehicles out of the U.S. marketplace and eliminating consumer choice. Rep. James’ CRA would prevent the Biden Administration’s rule from being enacted. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) is leading the effort to prevent the Biden administration’s rule in the Senate.

Rep. James issued the following statement following the CRA introduction:

“Michigan is not afraid of the future, but we demand to be a part of it. The Biden administration’s EPA tailpipe emission rule is another out-of-touch regulation that will crater the Michigan auto industry and decimate our middle-class, and most vulnerable. Folks in my district simply can’t afford to spend an additional $12,000 on an expensive, unreliable EV. I’ve always said, if you want an EV, get an EV. But allowing the Biden administration to continue stifling consumer choice will only harm the American people,” said James. “This is a de-facto electric vehicle mandate that will put all 77,580 manufacturing jobs in MI-10 at great risk of extinction. I am proud to lead this effort to prevent Biden’s rule from ravaging the livelihoods of thousands in Michigan and across the country.”

Sen. Ricketts also issued the following statement regarding this resolution:

“President Biden’s EV mandate is delusional,” Ricketts said. “This rule will make it harder for low-income families to buy a car or rural families to get to their jobs. I promised Nebraskans I’d use every tool I have to fight this. Our bipartisan legislation will keep costs down, defend consumer choice, and protect us against becoming more dependent on the CCP.”

Rep. James’ CRA is currently cosponsored by over 100 Members of the House of Representatives.

Click here to see the full text of the resolution.

Supporting organizations for this CRA include the American Petroleum Institute, Advancing American Freedom, Americans for Prosperity, Citizens for Responsibly Energy Solutions, and Independent Women’s Voice.

A full list of supporting organizations can be accessed here.
